Watch out for long introduction sentences that reiterate the thesis of the preceding sentence. The fresh point you’re attempting to make can be lost in a sentence structure like this. To ensure that readers are still paying attention when they reach the sentence’s main idea, try to make opening sentences brief.
You may wish to read your article aloud to notice any instances of excessive repetition in addition to paying close attention to these introductory sentences.
Below, we’ve included some advice on avoiding repetition in its most prevalent forms.
Employ a range of diverse transitional phrases.
Change up the length and structure of your sentences.
Avoid referencing the same antecedent with the same pronoun. E.g., “They enquired whether they were ready for them”.
Avoid repeating the same sounds or phrases such as “Several shelves protected identical groupings of shells”.
Avoid repetitions (for example, use “In the year 2019” rather than “in 2019”).
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